Wigginton and Hopwas Parish Council

Annual Parish Meeting

The Annual Parish Meeting is not a Council Meeting, it is a tradition dating back to the middle ages where parishioners have the right to speak and vote on local matters. Although the Parish Council are not duty bound to carry out any actions requested they will endeavour to progress any matters raised where possible.

In the Past the Annual Parish Meeting was held until 2019. However this was not held in recent years due to lack of public interest. Every Parish Council meeting has an opportunity for parishioners to address the council. However if the interest arises in Annual Parish Meetings then these can be held again.

These meetings are not legally required but please find minutes from previous Annual Parish Meetings below.

APM Minutes 9.5.19 draft

APM Minutes 2018

Chair’s Report 2017- 8

APM Minutes 2017

Chair Report APM 2017

APM Minutes 2016

APM Minutes 2015


APM Minutes 2014

Chair Report APM 2014

APM Minutes 2013


APM Minutes 2012

Chairman’s report 2012