The villages of Hopwas, Wigginton and Comberford are represented by Wigginton and Hopwas Parish Council and have been since 1934.
There are seven councillors who represent the council, although currently there are two vacancies. The council have particularly struggled to get representatives from Hopwas to stand as Parish Councillors and particularly wish to encourage residents from Hopwas to step forward.
Councillors are unpaid and usually get involved to make a difference to their local community. They decide what local services the Parish Council will provide and how much the Council needs to raise through Council Tax to maintain Parish Council assets and meet the administrative costs to run the Council. The Council are consulted by the Local Planning Authority (Lichfield District Council) on planning applications within the Parish. These are discussed by the Council at our meetings and if applicable comments are submitted to the planning authority. Councillors will try to seek the views of the community to help them decide how the Council should respond to an application.
As the Parish have a Neighbourhood Plan the Council also receive Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) funding from any new developments. These funds must be spent on new or improved local infrastructure within a 5-year period of receiving the funding. As there is a large development within the Parish (Arkall Farm) , the Council have begun to receive significant amounts of CIL Funding and need to consider how best to spend these funds within the Parish with an aim to mitigate the impacts of this new development upon the local community. By becoming a Parish Councillor you will be able to represent your community and have a direct influence on how these funds are spent.
Do you have ideas which could improve the local community and/or area? Would you like to become a voice for your community and help bring about real change? Councillors are community champions who invest time in local projects and issues for the benefit of the community.
If this sounds like you then we really need you. You don’t need an interest in politics, just a desire to improve your community.
Councillors work together as a team ‘The Council’ more information on the current work of the Council can be found here:
To become a Councillor you must:
- Be at least 18 years old and;
- Be on the electoral roll, or have your main residence or place of work within the Parish (or 3 miles of its boundary) and be a British Citizen, or an eligible EEA or Commonwealth Citizen and;
- Not be disqualified from being a Councillor
Further information can be found here: Part 1 Can you stand for election P and C (
The current vacancies can be co-opted by the Council and are already open to applicants, if you are interested in filling this position please contact: .
The Council hold elections every four years and the current term will end in May 2023. If you are interested in making positive changes in your local community, please also consider standing for election Elections — #MakeAChange (
Councillors are elected for a 4-year period. Elections are only held if there are more candidates than seats, in the previous term an election was not called due to a shortage of candidates.
Every year in May the Council elect a chairperson who is responsible for ensuring that meetings are well ran. The Council also employ a Clerk who is the Council’s Proper Officer and Responsible Financial Officer and manages the day-to-day administration, the Council’s finances and advises councillors on legislative matters and best practice.